Something Awful Seems to Have Happened to the CDC

Something Awful Seems to Have Happened to the CDC

What are we to believe? I, for one, can no longer believe what the CDC says unless it is verified by non-partisan scientific bodies. This is a sad time. Our health is being played with as if it were a game. I feel like a commoner in Game of Thrones, as the kings fight for power and ignore their people.

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Why Is Chronic Lyme Disease Controversial?

Why Is Chronic Lyme Disease Controversial

Novelist Amy Tan’s Experience With Lyme Disease On her web site, bestselling novelist Amy Tan shares her belief that she has late-stage neuroborreliosis, or Lyme disease. She suspected she might have Lyme disease because of her mysterious symptoms that included migrating aches and neuropathy, a racing heart, hallucinations, getting lost in familiar places, difficulty talking,…

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