Center for Effective Regulatory Policy & Safe Access (CERPSA)


People in pain deserve humane and compassionate treatment. However, in this anti-opioid climate, they haven’t always been able to receive it. Stephen Ziegler, Ph.D. founded the Center For Effective Regulatory Policy & Safe Access (CERPSA) to evaluate new, and existing, drug control policies through science-based research, and to communicate its findings to policymakers. CERPSA’s goal…

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Get Out to Vote

I Voted - Voting Day

Vote to Change Healthcare Policies Mid-term elections are approaching. If you have the ability to vote, then this is a chance to help determine the direction of our healthcare policies. There are many issues important to each of us. To people who follow my blog, the most important healthcare issues have to do with how…

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What Is a Human Life Worth?

This article first appeared in the 11/29/2017 edition of The Hill. President’s Council of Economic Advisers Calculate the Value of a Human Life President Trump has declared the opioid crisis to be a national health emergency and appears to be developing the rationale for funding interventions to combat the program. The first step is to…

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Association Is Not Causation

The  Court of Justice of the European Union’s Dubious Decision CBS News reported on June 21, 2017, “The highest court of the European Union ruled Wednesday that courts can consider whether a vaccination led to someone developing an illness even when there is no scientific proof.” According to CNN, this ruling means “if the development…

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