Opioid Risk Tool
The Opioid Risk Tool (ORT) is a six-question, self-administered assessment that can be completed within five minutes and should be utilized on a patient’s initial visit. It assesses the subject for a personal (or family) history of substance abuse, age, preadolescent sexual abuse, and the presence of depression, attention deficit disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.
In a pilot study of patients with chronic pain, the ORT accurately predicted which patients were at the highest and lowest risks of exhibiting aberrant, drug-related behaviors associated with abuse or addiction. Examples of these behaviors include using more opioids than prescribed, selling prescriptions, losing prescriptions or reporting them stolen, canceling clinic visits, and forging prescriptions.
To take the self-assessment ORT test, click on the "Personal Risk Assessment" button. Once you've completed the test, click on "See Results." You'll learn your score and see your risk, along with an explanation of that risk.
To request permission to use the tool clinically click on the black "Request Permission" button. Complete the form and click "Enter." A response will be returned promptly.
Further research has validated the ORT. See the research by Martin D. Cheatle here.
View the original publication, "Predicting Aberrant Behaviors in Opioid-Treated Patients: Preliminary Validation of the Opioid Risk Tool," here.
Individual Use
Clinical Use