#MindThePain: the Twitter Chat Transcript

On July 29, 2015 I co-hosted a Twitter Chat with the Power of Pain Foundation on #Mindfulness featuring POPF President, Barby Ingle. In case you missed it, the transcript is below. Feel free to chime in on Twitter or in the comments. 

Power of Pain Foundation – Today we will be led by guest host @LynnRWebsterMD, talking all things #mindfulness & #PAIN, To start things off, @LynnRWebsterMD could you tell us a little about yourself?

Lynn Webster, MD
Thank you to @powerofpain for co-hosting today’s #TwitterChat on #mindfulness I am thrilled to be a part of this discussion. I’m Dr Lynn Webster, author of the book The Painful Truth, coming in Sept, about the need for empathy in #chronicpain care. I’ve been a #chronicpain doc for many years & have worked w/ many patients who have benefited by using #mindfulness techniques. I am grateful we have a platform to get together, share knowledge & stories I hope our conversation today brings someone some relief

Power of Pain Foundation
Thanks for the background! We know you have some great insights & questions for us today @LynnRWebsterMD – take it away!

Lynn Webster, MD
Q1: Do you believe in #mindfulness & has it helped you manage your #chronicpain?

Danielle Cosgrove
A1. We must take each day as it comes #mindfulness allows us to live each day to the fullest

Lynn Webster, MD
A1. Dr @jonkabatzinn says paying attention to #pain can help us understand it better & reduce stress Link. Wellness includes your physical, mental health, functioning, meaning & purpose in your life. Yes, and studies say #Mindfulness can reduce pain by up to 57%.

Stephanie Lynn
A1. It has definitely helped me with my CRPS. It helps place perspective on what is going on inside and outside #mindfulness. I think in just overall acceptance, I don’t live in a glass box It calmed me down. yes, for me it was getting to a point where I could go on to grad school It’s my driving force #patientawareness

The Pain Community
A1: Hello! I’m Yvette Colón, PhD, MSW from @ThePainComm. Happy to be part of today’s important chat. My mother had #chronicpain & used mindfulness to reduce pain & improve her quality of life. Mindfulness helps you take control of your overall health and management of your #chronicpain. My mother had #chronicpain & used mindfulness to feel in control & reduce use of meds. My mother had great success with mindfulness and guided imagery. Mindfulness helped her take control of her overall health and management of her #chronicpain. You can make healthful lifestyle changes (eating well, reducing stress, mindfulness, etc.) to enhance quality of life. Wellness includes your physical & mental health, functioning, & meaning & purpose in your life. Mindful ways to cope with #chronicpain include meditation, imagery, relaxation, distraction.

Lynn Webster, MD
Q2: What are the most helpful #mindfulness techniques you’ve used to alleviate #pain?

Barby Ingle
A2. Meditation, bio feedback, positive thinking are helpful to me. at first it was but easier with practice

Danielle Cosgrove
A2. So true I learnt breathing techniques & learned to calm myself during flares #CRPS

Lynn Webster, MD
A2. Thank you for the responses Overwhelming to see the positivity!

Stephanie Lynn
A2. For me, I count in as many languages as I know (know 6 goal to learn 12) as a way to meditate. it’s just finding a way to refocus and to move on It’s a certain clarity and determination #CRPS

The Pain Community
A2. Ways to cope with #chronicpain include biofeedback, stress mgmt. training, hypnotherapy, behavior modification. #Mindfulness does take practice Hard to quiet the mind at first, but it can be done! Pay close attention to your breathing Learning rhythmic breathing techniques can be so helpful. Caregivers are an important part of the pain care team. Mindfulness is effective therapeutic technique in many disciplines: social work, psychology, integrative medicine.

Lynn Webster, MD
Q3: If you’re a caregiver, how can you help your loved ones practice #mindfulness?

Barby Ingle
A3. A help create the setting, dark room, quiet and aroma candle. A be engaged and take it seriously, the one in pain needs support. Caregivers need to understand different levels of caring to prevent burnout. A keep track of techniques that work best for you.

Danielle Cosgrove
A3. If having a hard time w/ traditional meditation, I journal with great intention. Another reason I love #journaling. #mindfulness is getting the most out of good days #caregivers too should jump in & enjoy! Live for now!

Lynn Webster, MD
A3. As a #caregiver, you don’t have all the answers, but asking for guidance is one of the best ways to help a loved one. Triumphs in #chronicpain are rarely small. Keeping a log is a great way to track your loved one’s treatment. #Caregivers have the hardest jobs Showing empathy & believing in invisible pain is the first step to a good relationship.

Stephanie Lynn
A3. Favorite movie, right scents, milkshake, communication is always key no matter what. Caregivers need at outlet too! It’s a symbiotic relationship #Caregivers. Research is important as well Be able to speak the same “medical” language. I have a list of Google links for when my explanation doesn’t get through #communication

The Pain Community
A3. Individual, couples, family or group counseling also are strategies that can help in this process. Both of you can become stronger & healthier in body & mind, reduce pain, restore meaning & pleasure to life. As much as possible, do things that bring pleasure and meaning to your & loved one’s life. Caregivers can practice mindfulness too. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem to you. Commit to working together towards mutual respect, responsibility, honesty & especially open communication. Don’t forget to take care of yourself! As caregiver you have a very important role. Believe you’re both whole persons with special talents & accomplishments Don’t allow pain to take that away. Practice positive self-talk Believe you’re both whole persons with a past, a present & a future. Mindfulness is simply the state of being aware or conscious of something.

Lynn Webster, MD
Q4: How do you explain #mindfulness to someone who doesn’t “get it”?

Barby Ingle
A4. Explain pain with an exercise, keep a clothespin on your finger for as long as you can and try to concentrate on something.

Danielle Cosgrove
A4. If depressed you’re living in the past, anxious you’re in the future, at peace you’re in the present.

Lynn Webster, MD
A4. #mindfulness is a complex idea What better way to simplify it than through the eyes of a child? video. In #pain, nothing is -size fits all Find what works for you. I sometimes ask my audience to sit on a block of wood to demonstrate this.

Stephanie Lynn
A4. For my mom, my biggest supporter, I like to do random acts of kindness Flowers, make her favorite cookies, etc., Again, communication is key! #mindfulness.

The Pain Community
A4. Recognize that there’s no single treatment or procedure that will make you better. We pay attention to thoughts and feelings without judging or believing there’s right or wrong way to think or feel. Mindfulness helps you calmly acknowledge & accept your feelings, thoughts & bodily sensations. Mindfulness is mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment. Consider all appropriate conventional & complementary modalities, approaches, & providers to achieve pain relief. The person with pain is an active part of the treatment team Active participation is important. In #pain, nothing is -size fits all Find what works for you. Become an active advocate for pain relief.

Lynn Webster, MD
Q5: What can you do on social media or offline to help spread the #mindfulness movement?

Barbara Waitt
A5. Share info and resources online that can help others I hope my coming book will be that for some.

Barby Ingle
A5. Post your favorite quotes, post your story for others to relate with #ShareYourStory. Suggest books you have found helpful.

Danielle Cosgrove
A5. Reject myths and misconceptions about people with #chronicpain! This is brilliant! We are people, we are not our illness Life is beautiful #chronicpain #CRPS. @BarbyIngle & I are spreading #CRPS awareness Check us out #OrangeInitiative + #NERVEmber Join in!

Lynn Webster, MD
A5. End #chronicpain stigma by raising awareness of the invisible battle. Share info and resources online that can help others. I hope my coming book and documentary will be that for some http://wwwthepainfultruthbookcom.

Stephanie Lynn
A5. Morale is such a big part of the pain experience. #ShareYourStory! What works for you, what doesn’t, etc. #ShareYourStory. I always find this rewarding Education, support, and random acts of kindness.

The Pain Community
A5. Understanding & effectively managing #chronicpain can be challenging Don’t lose hope! Not all advocacy efforts have to take a lot of time Find what is the most comfortable. Share your pain story or listen, really listen to someone else’s. Increase awareness of mindfulness & other integrative resources for pain mgmt. Reject myths and misconceptions about people with #chronicpain! Promote online chats and discussions Check out http://wwwpaincommunityorg Educate yourself about #chronicpain so you can educate others. Donate to or volunteer with orgs advocating for people with pain, if you can. Find a pain org, get to know their website, look for info on volunteer opportunities. Thanks to all for the work that you do to make life better for people with pain and their caregivers!

Power of Pain Foundation
This has been an awesome #TwitterChat on #Mindfulness! Sadly, we have to start winding it down. Check out @LynnRWebsterMD at http://wwwlynnwebstermdcom. Check out @powerofpain at http://wwwpowerofpainorg
Thank you again to @LynnRWebsterMD for being an informative and interactive host!

Danielle Cosgrove
@theproject3x5 is honored to have been a part of this #TwitterChat on #mindfulness today! Thank you @powerofpain @LynnRWebsterMD!

Shelia Purcell
Thank you @BarbyIngle @LynnRWebsterMD @powerofpain

The Pain Community
@ThePainComm is honored to have been a part of this #MindThePain #TwitterChat. Thank you @LynnRWebsterMD, @powerofpain & all colleagues & pain supporters here!

Lynn Webster, MD
Thank you to @powerofpain for cohosting this #TwitterChat. It’s been a pleasure learning from all of you today. I am so humbled by your tremendous knowledge and your fight for #chronicpain. Thank you for fighting for patients everywhere. It was an honor to be a part of this conversation Thank you all! Information about #chronicpain can be found on my websites at http://lynnwebstermdcom and http://thepainfultruthbookcom. Please Tweet or DM me if you have any follow up Questions. Let’s keep the conversation about #chronicpain care going Thank you! Lynn Webster, MD ‏@LynnRWebsterMD

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