President Biden

President Joe Biden

  Here is an original poem that I wrote as a tribute to President Joe Biden. With gratitude and respect, Lynn R. Webster, MD   President Biden   In the land of liberty, hearts intertwine, with leaders’, steadfast and fine. Joe Biden, through trials, stands tall, in sacrifice and duty, he answers the call.  …

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The Malevolent Attack on Women

Supreme Court

It distresses me to know that, while the original ORT served to help assess the risk opioids posed for individuals, it has also caused harm. Since the question about a woman’s sexual abuse history does not provide any additional benefit, there is no reason to retain it. The ORT-OUD should be used instead of the original ORT.

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CDC Revised Opioid Prescribing Guideline Falls Short of What People in Pain Need

CDC Revised Opioid Prescribing Guidelines

The updated guideline contains beneficial changes. Among them, certain prescription duration limits and the upper MME dosage threshold have been removed. There is some acknowledgment that pain treatment is indeed important. Yet, the inappropriate usage of the 2016 guideline and policies created in its image to harass, prosecute and even jail clinicians must be specifically and adequately addressed. The MME threshold now in the revised version is no more scientifically sound than the ones in the previous version, and it has already been shown that dosage levels are too easily interpreted with rigidity by policymakers and payors. Until these issues are resolved, the fallout has the potential to harm patient care into the future.

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