Replacing Opioids Has Just Been Made Harder

laboratory mouse

People in pain rely on scientific advances to find safer, more effective alternatives to opioids, and animal research is key to all early drug development. A recent announcement from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) threatens to change that, inhibiting science’s ability to replace opioids and create new life-saving pain interventions.

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Color Hurts

colors affect how we perceive pain

This article, in a slightly edited form, first appeared on Pain News Network on  October 26, 2019.   It is a myth that the matador’s red muleta incites rage in the bull and causes him to charge; the truth is, all cattle are colorblind. The bull does not charge because of the color, but because of…

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The Annual Silver Pen Essay Contest

A Story I Never Told You

I’ve often said that writing can be therapeutic for people of all ages. The Annual Silver Pen Essay contest is a national program that invites seniors to contribute original essays and poetry. Entries are received at a central location in North Carolina, and then they are sent to their communities for judging.

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