Posts Tagged ‘aging’
Frances: A Cautionary Tale
States can give strangers control over a debilitated person’s money, home, and health care treatment. Referred to as guardians, they are professionals who handle the affairs of the elderly.
Read MorePrevalence of Chronic Pain Increasing
This article, in a slightly edited form, first appeared on Pain News Network on February 22, 2019. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, opioid prescribing quadrupled from 1999 to 2010. Some policymakers suggest that the amount prescribed in 1999 was appropriate and should remain static, and that any prescribing above the 1999 level exceeds the amount required to meet the needs of…
Read MoreWays to Help a Recovering Senior Addict Parent from a Distance
Photo via Pixabay By Marie Villeza, Guest Columnist When your senior parent is fighting addiction in a recovery treatment center, and you live far away, it becomes difficult to identify what you can do to help her. Recognized as an “invisible epidemic,” many relatives of seniors hooked on drugs or alcohol first have problems accepting…
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