Opioid Lawsuits Threaten Lives of Pain Sufferers

Opioid Lawsuits Threaten Lives of Pain Sufferers

Implications for People With Chronic Pain Several lawsuits have been filed against several opioid manufacturers, distributors, and physicians for participating in what was allegedly a scheme to cause incalculable harm for profit. I am one of the physicians named as an alleged “conspirator.” The opioid lawsuits are far more than legal matters that involve the…

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Marcus Welby, M.D. Is the Wrong Doctor for These Times

The Marcus Welby Fantasy Lives in the Past Many people fantasize about having a folksy doctor like Marcus Welby, M.D. An idealized physician, Dr. Welby didn’t have to worry about malpractice insurance, co-payments, political agendas, interference by government agencies, or bureaucratic matters of any kind. He could be fully present for his patients. Dr. Welby…

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