The Painful Truth is a Finalist in 2016 CIPA EVVY Awards
CIPA EVYY Award Finalist
I’m pleased and humbled to announce that my book, The Painful Truth: What Chronic Pain Is Really Like and Why It Matters to Each of Us, has been selected as a finalist in the 2016 CIPA EVVY Awards. It holds that spot in the Health/Diet/Fitness category.
The Painful Truth is in good company. Winners of the 2015 CIPA EVVY Awards can be found here.
Named after CIPA founder, Evelyn Kaye, the CIPA EVVY Awards is one of the longest-running book awards competition on the Indie publishing scene. It is sponsored by the Colorado Independent Publishers Association (CIPA), along with the CIPA Education and Literacy Foundation (ELF).
The Painful Truth Is in Good Company – How the Award Works
According to the CIPA site, the EVVY Awards program “…is international, with entries from all over the world, including England, Belgium, South Africa, Russia and Dubai. Averaging over 200 entries in 39 book categories and 8 technical categories, the CIPA EVVYs continue to provide an excellent way for independent authors to gain recognition for their hard work… The judging is tough—the way a book competition should be. Judges are selected through CIPA’s competition judging qualification process and include teachers, business leaders, authors, critics, editors, readers and others.”
I am thrilled that an awards program as prestigious as the CIPA EVVY Awards, which celebrates its 22nd year in 2016, has recognized The Painful Truth.
The Real Reward Is Helping People in Pain
But it means even more to me when I receive emails from people around the country (and beyond) who tell me how much the book has meant to them. People in pain, and their loved ones, are the reason why the book exists.
Having treated thousands of patients with chronic pain, I continue to believe there is hope. Ultimately, a cure for pain will require more research, better therapies, and improved policies. But healing can begin today with a broad-based approach to treatment, including compassionate support from those closest to the ones who are hurting.
I am told that my book has been a first step along that path for many readers. It gives me hope that The Painful Truth is helping to reveal the difficulties that patients face in dealing with chronic pain in a society that, too often, stigmatizes them just when they are at their most vulnerable and in need of our empathy — and when they must receive adequate, affordable treatment.
Purchase my book The Painful Truth: What Chronic Pain Is Really Like and Why It Matters to Each of Us (available on Amazon) or read a free excerpt here.
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Copyright 2016, Lynn Webster, MD
Congratulations Dr. Webster! We seem to run into each other at airports in the way to pain conferences.
Good deal, Dr. Webster. I hope your book receives a wide audience.
I just read your recent article in and yours is about the only voice of reason.
I have a friend with Fibro who is very afraid of losing her subscription, which she needs to function.
Personally, I woke one day with a stiff shoulder and it turned into a painful oddessey of seven years. During those years I didn’t take opiates, but was denied even Valium as a muscle relaxer. I think it’s because I am male and not a veteran and have no visible physical problem, unless you wanted to count the severe hiked shoulder I had for many years.
Though a combination of better sleep and CBT I am getting a reduction in the pain and stiffness, but right now I feel for my friend and the other people out there who will suffer under the new drug crackdown. I have paid a huge price myself because doctors did not believe me and because of the mental state the pain put and kept me in.
Continue to spread the word of reason.