American Society of Anesthesiologists Oppose Oregon’s Opioid Prescribing Proposal

Oregon Chronic Pain Task Force’s Proposal

I previously posted a letter written by Dr. Sean Mackey that discusses the problem with the Oregon Chronic Pain Task Force’s proposal that would leave many Medicaid patients without adequate pain therapy. The proposal would force providers to lower, or eliminate, the use of opioids despite the benefits patients may have received from the medication.

American Society of Anesthesiologists Expresses Concern

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) has also expressed a major concern that the Oregon Chronic Pain Task Force’s proposed policy will cause harm to the most hurting members of our society. As a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, I am pleased to see that the organization has stepped up to advocate for patient care. Below is the letter the ASA has sent to the Oregon Health Authority.

ASA Letter to the Oregon Health Authority

ASA Letter to Oregon CPTF-2


  1. Connie Martin on December 23, 2018 at 1:45 am

    Thank you Dr. Mason for you clear and precise correspondence to the Oregon Health Authority, regarding the tapering off of all narcotic pain medications to zero prescribed. Talk about “Throwing the baby out with the bathwater!” Yes, an ‘old one’ but it befits the situation. Theirs is what all legitimate chronic pain patients, such as myself, feared would happen. Lacking the knowledge of the difference between the illegal purchase and misuse, especially of Oxycontin, and what a lifesaver this medication has been for me, a 25-year, chronic pain patient. Instead of lying on the floor or in bed around the clock due to the high pain level for Degenerative Disc Disease in my lower back and neck, I have instead run a 33-year old successful business, working 7 days a week, for both my business and the last 12 years as the primary caregiver for my elderly father. I am not addicted. I recently was without the $1200 that it costs to get my monthly Oxycontin ER due to the inability afford health insurance this past year, I had not choice but to go off them ‘cold turkey’ as there weren’t any to taper down from. Aside from the increase in my chronic pain and lack of physical functioning, that I can hold at bay when on these medications, I didn’t turn to the streets to buy Oxy’s or something even stronger and easier to get, but on the 7th days, my body then went into the physical withdrawals making me very sick, over and above the continued lack of adequate pain relief. I get my medications on time every month, never filling early, always at the same pharmacy. Over all these years, I have also learned that all the medical personnel around me hyperventilate if I should ever mention that common sense would dictate that I have built up a physical tolerance to pain medications after being on the same dose for so many years.I have just learned that it is what it is and I can’t expect any more help from the medical community as it is. It is my understanding that the manufacturers of Oxycontin and Oxycodone are not making the generic versions of these medications any longer, and the brand name will dropped soon enough. They have been overwhelmed by lawsuits, which I think is deplorable. Whatever happened to personal responsibility for what one drinks or takes? It’s highly-doubtful these people were forced to take an overdose of Oxycontin or any other narcotic pain medication. This ‘frenzy’ has the government now in my medical records, and my privacy is no longer just between me and my doctor. Whatever happened to patient privacy? There has been such a lack of common sense in the handling of this situation, and radical proposals, such as that from the Oregon Health Authority, is exactly what we, all the millions of legitimate chronic pain patients feared. Dramatic responses, without the research and knowledge to back it up. God bless those who speak up on our behalf in the medical community, as that is the only hope we all have that this ‘frenzy’ doesn’t adversely affect all of us, any more than it already has!

    • JC Maxwell on December 27, 2018 at 9:40 pm

      Wow u almost told my story I am now involved with the Don’t Punish Pain rally I am also a chronic pain patient. I have been on this pain medication for over 20 years same dose. Please protest in your state for Chronic Pain Patient’s rights.

  2. Robert E Lewis on December 23, 2018 at 4:07 am

    The CDC can’t manage what they are supposed to. They have no right to recommend something that in fact is a lie.The dose I am now left with underscores my pain management by some idea that a reduction of half what I normally used to take. The Doctors are almost robotic in this scam.Because I have no say in the matter my anger is kindling.I continue to look for facts but there are none.I already am not happy with my treatment as I can’t walk very good anymore and the pain returns very quick now. I am now opting for my own Intervention which will be certain death as I don’t want to live in pain and the loss of ability to walk. The CDC FDA DEA and CUREs all are doing wrong by not letting Drs properly prescribe the doses I need. I have used opiates for 40 years and now the downfall this will have on my mental Health

  3. Robert E Lewis on December 23, 2018 at 4:27 am

    I went to a pain management classes at Kaiser Health and sign a opioid contract. Condition were not to sale my medication, no refills to soon and no doctor shopping. I was advised by Kaiser health that they never have or will tell their doctors who to treat patient. But like good robots they can’t hear and push you through the door

  4. Tami on December 25, 2018 at 7:49 pm

    Its ok youre all just driving this patient to suicide

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